Asia Insurance

FAQ Section

Find our handy FAQ sections here, categorized and easy to navigate.

What is a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing condition is a case where an event or illness has occurred, whether it is known or unknown to the customer

What is the insurance plan monthly and annual premium?

Premium is paid annually in advance, and coverage lasts for 1 year

Is there a waiting period before coverage goes into effect?

Typically, 2 weeks, except in case of accidents

Are there circumstances where benefits are not paid?

For any lodged claims, we assess the documentation provided by our customers, and guide them through the process to ensure correct information is given to us. The only cases where claims are partially paid or (very rarely) not paid at all, are where there is strong suspicion of foul play or incorrect documentation -à Link to our new remote OPD product where doctor also gives diagnosis for treatment.

Does the plan require a physical exam?

We rarely ask for physical exams. We don’t cover pre-existing conditions however, and for that, we get an undertaking from you as a customer that you have shared with us any pre-existing conditions you may have.

What happens if you miss a monthly premium or are late on a payment?

Our premium payments are paid annually, so there is no risk of a lapse.

What happens with the plan if you decide to move out of state or to another country?

Our coverage is restricted to Pakistan, as per law. For travelling to other countries, we offer travel insurance that covers accidents during your trip, among other inconveniences such as lost passport, lost luggage etc.

Under what circumstances can an insurance policy be cancelled?

A client can choose to cancel a policy at any time, however they can only be reimbursed for the time left in the policy e.g. if you cancel 8 months into a policy, you cannot get reimbursed for the 8 months already gone. For the remaining period and payment, some penalties for cancellation may apply.

Are there situations where the premium may change?

It is very rare for the premium rate to change during a policy tenure. There would only be a change if you drastically change your own circumstances e.g. addition of another person into your health policy, or another car in your motor policy

How are benefits paid out?

Claims are paid out via cheque in the name of the insured, or, in case of accidental death benefits, to their nominated next of kind. In case of health claims at our panel hospitals, we pay out directly to the hospital so our customers don’t have to.

How long does it take for benefits to be paid out?

Asia Insurance typically settles claims within 3 days of documentation being completed.

Can I increase or decrease the benefit amount after the plan goes into effect?

Coverage amounts can be increased after the policy has been issued, for an additional premium payment.

How long has the insurance company been in business?

Asia Insurance was founded in the 1970’s

What bonuses do I get by buying insurance early?

The better we know our customers, the better we can serve them. Therefore, the sooner you enrol with an insurance company, the sooner you can start to build a profile that can benefit you in terms of lower insurance rates in the future, no-claim discounts etc. You can also avoid the risk of unknown pre-existing conditions.

When does coverage begin and end?

Our policies last for 365 days.

If I'm healthy, do I need travel health insurance?

Healthiness doesn’t affect the risks of an accident. Travel insurance is essentially meant to cover accidents during your travels, as it is unlikely you will develop any long-term illness during a short trip.

A lot of countries have national healthcare. If I get sick abroad, am I covered?

Your coverage/compensation will be as per the travel insurance policy you have taken. Regarding national health programs, eligibility for those should be checked for each specific country you’re travelling to.

Does my travel insurance policy cover pre-existing medical conditions?

Travel insurance doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions, it covers mainly accidents.

Will my travel insurance cover sports and "high risk" activities?

A separate premium amount must be paid for high-risk activities.

Do I need pre-authorization from my travel insurance for treatment or hospitalization?

Asia Insurance offers cash-less treatment up to your travel insurance limits. We will provide you with a contact number for whichever part of the world you are travelling to, and you will be guided through the process of which hospital to go to for treatment. We encourage our customer NOT to visit out-of-network hospitals.

What products do we have for children?

We offer accidental injury coverage for children, as part of health insurance products. 

We also have a school fee protection product, where you can decide what number of months/years worth of school fee you can get paid by the insurance company, if the parents have an accident that can affect their income and ability to pay school fee.


Got that insurance policy but not sure about those terms? Check out our most common terms in insurance section

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